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How to Future Proof Your Test Automation Strategy

Software testing is fast becoming a critical aspect of most companies’ operations. It involves meticulously testing out apps, software, websites, and networks for bugs and errors that could cause employee or customer / client issues. These issues can cause poor customer experiences, and can lead to a loss of business for your company.

One of the toughest aspects of test automation is that there are not only hundreds of viewer mediums, based on different software and hardware, but also that the mediums are constantly changing. New versions of IOS, Android, and Windows come out quite frequently now, so ensuring that your companies’ programs can continuously run smoothly on them becomes a much harder job. This is where future proofing your QA / Test Automation strategy comes into play.

One of the easiest ways to future proof your software / app / website / etc. is to contract a QA / Test Automation firm. Firms that specialize in software test automation make it their priority to stay on top of major OS updates that can cause functional issues in software, and ensure that they have a quick workaround to any problems that arise. Test Automation Companies are proactive in their approach, so if there is a major update, they’ll immediately work to test any software of companies that have contracted them, and provide a work report and analysis to find out if there are any issues with the existing software running on new OS’. If there are issues, they’ll work to quickly find a way to fix the issue.

By using a QA / Test Automation company, your company can rest easy knowing that your software is in good hands. Having a bug-free software is imperative to companies in today’s technology driven world, so being proactive about testing

Ask for a consultation.

Anna Anthony
18 August, 2021